Linux Basics
Why do we need to learn Linux?
In the modern world and software industry everything is all about space and security Linux is one of the best when we talk about space and security in Linux anything and everything is a file.
File System Hierarchy:
In the file system hierarchy, all files and directories appear under the root directory /, even if they are stored on different physical or virtual devices.
Basic Commands:
pwd - present working directory.
ls - list all the contents (files, directories) from the present working directory.
- Except hidden files. if you want to see all the hidden files use option -a.
What is the difference between uname and uname -r?
Ans: uname just display the kernel name but uname -r it will display the version of the kernel.
cd - change directory from current to a destination directory.
whoami - display the current user logged name.
clear - As the name itself says, clear the CLI.