Git and GitHub Admin Activities
What are Git and Github?
Git: It is a distributed version control, used locally, and maintained by Linux.
GitHub: It is a web-based GUI Git repository hosting service, maintained by Microsoft.
What is the Role of a DevOps Engineer in Github Admin?
Basically, DevOps Engineers do the below things in Github Admin:
Create Organization
Create Repositories Add Members to the correct repositories.
Right permissions to all the members.
Watch the Video to understand more about it:
Let's understand more about the Git Commands:
When you install Git-bash, the first thing you should be doing is setting up your user details as follow and this is one-time.
$git config --global user. name "User Name"
$git config --global "Email-Id"
How to check the configure settings?
$git config --global --list
Task 1: Create the git local repository in the local machine, add one file, and update that file. create the GitHub remote repository and move the local code to the GitHub repository.
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